I told them I was clearing out my storage unit and trucking it all over to Goodwill knowing they would offer to help to have first grab at my treasures. I wasn’t disappointed and three days later I was loading boxes in to a truck with one of them sifting through the boxes to decorate their apartment.
Two loads went to donation and a third went to their home. The third contained a brass teapot I bought in Turkey, a black and gold vase from Athens, a walnut bowl from South Carolina. Various cookware and glasses, a Play Station 2 with a few games, African masks, carved gourds from Peru and a DVD player. A set of three stone obelisk each from a a different country in South America. All of the things I had used to decorate my homes and offices over the years were going to decorate someone else’s home or to sit in someone else’s storage. I’m a little sad and I remind myself that they are just things and I don’t need things. But these were things were bought instead of the stupid travel t’shirts with logos of cruise ships and slogans like Viva Italia or Pura Vida for souvenirs. These items were more like trophies brought back from foreign lands and proof that I escaped Missouri and even the country more than once.
I took the lock off
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